Toss It: What You Should Throw Out if You Skipped Spring Cleaning


We all have those sentimental items we just can’t get rid of. They hold a special place in our hearts, remind us of good times, but should, most likely, very definitely, be thrown out. Need a little help identifying what should go? Let’s go through the list!

Old Papers

We all have that stack of papers on the counter, in a drawer, or maybe even hidden away under the bed. Some of them are just empty envelopes, others are expired coupons, and the rest are somewhere in between. Whatever they are, get rid of them. Make time to sort through these files, keep the important stuff (legal documents, birthday cards) and shred the rest.


If cleaning is the game, then those faded, old towels have got to go. We get it, it seems like a waste, but after a couple of years, your towels will lose their absorbency. As for your kitchen towels, they shouldn’t be anywhere near your kitchen after a handful of months. Do yourself a favor and start fresh!


It’s time to sort through and clear out your old electronics! We’re talking old phones, dead computers/laptops, broken earphones/headphones, and other outdated gadgets. Sure, you don’t want to throw them directly in the trash, but many retailers around the nation have receptacles where you can safely dispose of all that needless stuff.


When it comes to clothes, some are just old and outgrown, and others you might’ve forgotten about and never wore! It’s the bulk of every closet and the bane of everyone’s existence. Take a few hours to sort through your wardrobe for a yard sale or send it off to a donation box.


As we previously discussed, you may want to hold onto some things for their sentimental value, but maybe those boxes full of toys are a bit much. If your kids have outgrown playing with cars and dolls, free up some space and clear it out.

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